Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Where did our summer go?

Chasing bubbles.

Large bubble chasing Heidi.

ooooh, bubbles!

aaaah, I'm getting wet!
"I love driving daddy's truck."

Heidi helping daddy back up the truck.

Sunflowers are now taller than Heidi.

Chair I painted. Heidi's hat and boots look good on it.

Heidi ready for church. "mommy, I found you're shoes!"

I can not believe that this summer is nearly over. We got our first freeze warning for last night and now it's about 80 degrees outside. Strange weather. Yesturday felt very autumn-ish.

Lately I have been biking often to get myself and Heidi outside for some exercise. I have been riding bike a few miles in the morning to the park by the zoo and then we usually ride bike in the evening around the neighborhood. My legs are starting to hurt and feel jello-like but it's good exercise and I feel better each morning. Heidi had so much fun at the park today. She was having fun when mommy was chasing her all around. We even found another fun water fountain and we got a little wet. Someone also put some soap in the fountain last night, so there were soap suds all over and Heidi had a blast with them! Look at the huge fountain with all the bubbles! Oh my!

Heidi is also learning some more as always. She loves to twirl in circles and she loves to make monkey sounds. "ah ah ah ah ah." She also loves to think everything is an "uh oh!" She will throw something on the floor and then put the palm of her hands out, pucker her lips, and say "uh oh." Another saying she likes to do is "ouch, or owie." If she falls done, she sometimes looks at her hands and says "owie."


Stacy said...

She is growing up so fast. It was great seeing all of you. The kids really miss Heidi. They had so much playing with her.

Laurie said...

The picture of the bubbles chasing her looks like she's in a cloud :P

Jennifer said...

"Heidi helping Brian back up the pickup" - he needs it!