Monday, September 28, 2009

Top 10 Fun and entertaining things of being a new mommy so far.

1. Afternoon naps can't come closer some days. For example; I put Heidi in her crib to take a nap and I was beyond tired that I almost felt like I was sleep walking all day. I had a feeling that I can't make it to the end of the hall to my bed and, as I was gazeing down at the floor below Heidi's crib; I saw all her stuffed animals she was playing with. I started to clean up her toys so not to step on them later but then 40 minutes later, Brian comes into the room and wakes me up and finding me useing the purple platypus stuffed animal as a pillow. I heard him giggling and then all I remember is him saying something. Then Heidi wakes up 10 minutes later and Brian is gone. Oh, he said he was going to class. I swear it was saturday but it's actually monday.

2. Making farting noises to baby when she is upset makes her happy.

3. Keep singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star or Itsy Bitsy Spider to keep baby happy eventhough you sang it 50 times already and it's putting you asleep.

4. "So BIG!" Anything with lots of hand movements, keep going with it eventhough your arms are about to fall off.

5. No matter how cute she is when she takes a bath, don't give her a kiss. You will get splashed in the eye or hit in the eye.

6. Doesn't matter how long you let baby stay in the tub to play; baby will still get mad that it's over and has to get dressed. So, back to singing and waving the arms to cheer baby up.

7. Naptime for baby is never nap time for mommy. This is "time off" as daddy calls it for mommy to get the dishes done, laundry, vacumming, sweeping, dusting, supper, picking up toys, & telling the husband to get off the computer from playing games. Did I miss anything?

8. When baby is quiet and then suddenly happy and has the look of "guess what??" Then you know it's going to be a messy one. If you know what I mean by a messy "one".

9. Keyboards are a fun game. Let baby hit the keyboard on the computer to let off some steam. She loves it.

10. Heidi loves to chase the kitty around the house. She can't crawl yet so I hold her and we follow Victoria around the house. Victoria is a little slow so it's easier to chase her to keep up. Heidi saw kitty today walk past her and she busted out laughing and screaming. She loves the cats. Heidi loves to pull and pet the kitty and victoria doesn't mind most of the time.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

You need to change #7- Sleep when baby sleeps! And to make it even sweeter, sleep with her because the time when your child will take a nap with you ends way too quickly.