Monday, September 28, 2009

House Warming party

Playing with Roly Poly Penguin.
Few friends showing up for the house party.
Aiming for Rob.
Heidi enjoyed kicking Rob (with daddy's help.)

Over the weekend we had a double house warming party. Everyone came over to our house around 5pm to give me plenty of time after work to get the dinner ready and then drinks over at Rob's house next door. It worked out well because Heidi was able to go to bed at a decent time and not get off her schedule. The party was fun and we met a new couple that just moved to town. Her husband is also going to graduate in december in Nuclear Engineering so we talked most of the night. Everyone brought some goodies which was nice. Our friend Jay brought brian part of a Ruhbarb plant and now he's excited of where to plant it before our snow this week! Yes, we are suppose to have snow on wednesday or thursday. Today the high is in the 80's and then the high on wednesday is suppose to be 45. Brrrr. I think we might have a early winter.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Miss you all. Wish I could see the new house in person.

P.S.-Don't send the snow here!