Sunday, September 20, 2009

Heidi notices Victoria more now. Heidi loves it when I hold her to chase victoria around the house and Heidi giggles so loud. Victoria has been really good and lets Heidi grab her fur and pet her. When Victoria rolls over, Heidi laughs, kicks, and screams. She sure loves the cats already.

Daddy and Heidi play the game of daddy pretending Heidi is a bar-bell. Ha ha. Heidi loves it. Daddy counts and lifts Heidi in the air, and she usually faces him, but this picture they were watching football while playing.
Mom and dad's room is always more comfortable. Plus our room was more dark and cool during the day to take a nap in until we put in shades in her room.
Diaper box. Heidi was really interested in the box. She kept getting upset when I would push it away because she wanted to touch it and play with the flaps. So I decided to just put her in it. She liked it for a little bit, but then it got boring pretty fast.

I feel like I haven't posted anything for a long time. How time flys with a baby now. Heidi had a tough friday. I think she's teething more now and they bother her more. Brian went to walgreens at midnight because she just couldn't sleep and then we gave her some gel for her gums. She was crying all night and I think she was getting an upset stomach from all the crying and getting herself worked up so much. Poor baby. I just want to cry for her because she's always very happy and harldy ever cries. If she does cry I almost worry because she's always laughing and does her scream playing. It's so adorable.
Heidi's teething only bothers her once in awhile it's not every night. Thank god. She was up until at least 2am on friday. I would never make it into work every morning.
This weekend I got a lot of things done around the house. I couldn't believe it. I had it all mapped out. Watch Heidi this at this time.........nap time, do this and this.......Heidi wakes up....Play a little with Heidi.......Give heidi bottle, and while she's eating, work on this.......etc.
It was a little entertaining. When Brian needed to show me something, I really had no time to stop while heidi is sleeping. Keep going to get it done, don't stop now or it will never get done. Well, not much else going on here. We are starting to get into freeze warning's for the low temps at night. So fall is already here. I can't believe it. I can't wait to get heidi a halloween outfit. There's a pumpkin patch here I found and I would like to go there to take some family photos with her outfit on. We'll see.
Heidi is working on some solid foods. I need to be more consistant with her on it. We only try it once in awhile and it just doesn't work. So I think this week I want to try everynight and see if it gets better. I am trying some rice cereal mixed with formula and some banana puree. I know it's a slow process so we will just keep working on it.


Laurie said...

I love the picture of her sleeping in your bed. haha.

Stacy said...

She looks so comfy in bed!

Meredith said...

I remember those days. Hint: The earlier you get up, you don't get any more done like you want, you are just up earlier. There is always something to do. Can't wait to see you all next month. I miss her giggles.