Saturday, September 5, 2009

Having Fun while staying busy!

"Don't tell Grandpa I'm taking the Mustang out!" Lookn' good babe!
Oh nooo, busted!
"Grandpa has to reach the pedal's for me and I can steer."

Peek a Boo!

This is the view of the sunset's lately from our backyard. You can see the mountains in the horizon. Such gorgeous nights. Glass of wine , fire, and the mountains in my yard. Wow. So relaxing.

No Refunds!

Cute photo op moment.

Helping Auntie pick Chokecherry's.

I think Cordelia likes Grandma's flowers.

We traded for the day. :)

"There once a girl named Heidi and she got all the ice cream she wanted and lived happily ever after. The End." Torii loved telling Heidi that story when she was upset.

"I Love my feet!"

Victoria checking out the new place on the outside. (she found the neighbor's beagle.)

Sorry, pictures were taken at night. (Heidi was sleeping, goodtime to take a few while she's out. I've been forgetting to take some more during the day.)

WELCOME-Come on in!!!

Master bedroom walk in closet. (all the closet's in the bedrooms have built in shelving which is nice to have.)

Sweet, Sweet jetted tub. I loooove it. Aaaaah, so relaxing.

Master bath.

Our bedroom that has neat vaulted type ceiling. I love the look of it.

Hallway back to Heidi's room and the guestroom. (these rooms look out to the front of the house).

Nice big island counter top.

Our or my new fun kitchen!! I love it.

Heading downstairs........

Partial walls for a bigger guestroom downstairs.

Partial wall up for a possible bedroom.

(Looking into what would be the living room downstairs. It's a little bigger; it also has a small space to the right on the far back so it goes in a little more in the picture above. I think it would make a great theatre room later.)

I finally get the moment to just sit and relax. We have been so busy with moving and we are still not done. We only have about one car load left from the townhome and then cleaning left to do. We have the 10th to be out, but we will make it. Our sitter has been so wonderful to take Heidi while we were moving most of our things. Less stress for little Heidi and all is well for everyone. I don't think it has even fased Heidi at all. She just likes to look around a little and as long as she has her toys she reconizes then, life is good. Heidi has been great. She sure loves to talk. She's been doing some screaming and laughing at the same time and it's so funny! I was laughing so hard yesturday when she had her small tiger and she was whipping it around and then looking at it and cooing and laughing, as if she was having a conversation with it. There was no way I could find our camera in time with all our stuff scattered but it was the funniest thing ever.

This week is the state fair and it was such a blast last year that we really want to go but we have so much to do that I think we will miss it. It's only a 30 minute drive but we have so much to get done. Oh well, I think it would more fun when Heidi gets bigger anyway.

Today Brian used the brush mower to knock out our weeds that were up to our knees. They were crazy! Our yard looks so much better. While he was doing the mowing, I tended to Heidi then when she slept, I came outside for a little bit to rake the weeds together to get ready to haul out. Busy busy. We did take a break and went to the farmer's market and we had to see one vendor who has a tree farm and sells some trees at the market once in awhile. He happened to be there this weekend and so we bought three trees from him. We planted two Sugar Maple trees in the front yard and then we still have yet to plant my apple tree. I thought we should at least get a apple tree as soon as possible so, by the time Heidi is running around the yard, we may have some apples she can pick. Maybe she'll be like aunt Laurie and run in the house with the one apple and say "look, we got an apple!" Then I reply just like grandpa and say "that's great, now put it back." Ha ha! I love that story. We also thought about getting a peach tree we saw that looked very healthy but I think we will wait for next year on that one. I don't know about so many fruit trees, because of bugs that love them so much, they may be hard to take care of. We'll see. But next year I really want to get some chokecherry trees and I now have permission for some lilac bushes! So many plans for everything.

Well that's about all I can write for now. I'm so tired and it's getting late. I better get to bed. I'll write again soon, I hope. And I'll try to get more pictures with Heidi's rooms finished and the guestroom. We miss you all!!!


Stacy said...

I love all the pictures! And your house looks great! I'm jealous of the closets.

We miss you too!

Laurie said...

Oh wow I was going to write exactly what stacy did. So funny when that happens :P But, I love all the pictures, especially the one of Torii picking chokecherries. And yes, I too am jealous of that closet.