Thursday, August 6, 2009


Heidi loves to chew on her Turtle Book.
"Rubber Duckie your the one, you make bathtime so much fun"
Heidi loves bathtime even more now. She's discovering toys in the tub are fun! When I sit her up to clean her back she kicks and giggles to get the rubber duckies and turtles. It's so funny. When she's laying down while I'm washing her, she loves to play or chew on the big duckie. If it falls down and she can't get to it, she gets a little frustrated. I think she's finding her tub buddy. Today she actually got a little mad when I took her out of the tub. I think I might find a better tub for her sit up in and she can play better with out sliding into the water. She has so much energy and she's always on the move. When I put her to bed at night and then see her in the morning, she is on the other side of the crib facing the opposite way. She even moves all over in her dreams! I think she is going to be the handfull later but she's just so much fun and adorable.


Stacy said...

Cute pics. I always thought it was funny when I put the kids in the crib and by morning they were totally in a different place.

P.S.-Don't spend money on bath toys. The best bath toys are cups.

Jennifer said...

Too cute! Little squirmmels like her auntie