Sunday, May 3, 2009

Heidi's first two weeks

Bathtime with the kitty bath towel.

Quality time with Auntie Jennifer.
Naptime with mommy. Heidi loves to have her arms out and not tucked in.

Taking a nap with "Miss Sunshine" from Aunt Laurie.

Our glow worm from the U.V light used to get her Jondous number down. (She no longer has it.)
Sweet Angel Sleeping soundly.

Brian is taking care of Heidi right now so I can post some new pictures. Heidi is doing great and she has quite the appetite. She is eating about 4 oz. already and I'm washing a lot of laundry from spit-up to overflowing diapers. She's been such a good baby and we can't wait to be home to see everyone! I'll keep this updated as much as I can. See everyone in about 12 days!


Stacy said...

Cute pictures! It looks like she has a head full of hair.

Today Cordelia was wearing a Little Miss Sunshine hoodie. I like Heidi's stuffed one :)

Laurie said...

really cute pictures!! Thanks for posting them! I can't believe how much hair she has!