Thursday, December 11, 2008

Busy last two weeks for mom & dad.

As I'm starting this blog and have typed the words "mom & dad," it seemed funny to actually put that down for us now. Wow.

Brian & I are counting down the days to get home for Christmas. We are so excited to be heading home. I think I'm even more excited! I haven't been anywhere but maybe Jackson Hole 3-4 times since we moved and I have to say that it's a gorgeous drive but not much else to do there. I really wanted to camp out by Jenny Lake again this last summer but we just didn't have anytime with our work schedule's. We also went to check out Boise during the summer, but that was just a quick & long days drive. Great mall and small shops, but not long enough to get out of town.

Next week starts the baking process for the Christmas party for work, and then I want to bring home some Kuchen & maybe some cookies for everyone. I also have some major organizing to do at work before I leave so I can be prepared of what I need to work on when I come back from vacation. My own "to do list" to myself. Yay. I do love my job because I can work at my own pace & decide on what I want to work on each day. Plus, having a great boss always helps. Cindy is so wonderful to work for. I had to work a 3pm-11pm shift last friday and there was a party going on in the bar that night. (keep in mind the lounge is located only steps away from the front desk-I don't know why they built it that way). I had mentioned to Cindy today that I felt sick when I went home last friday because the lobby smelled like cigarette's & felt like I was standing in the lounge from all the people going in and out of the bar all night. I woke up the next morning with the worst headache and still felt nauses. Cindy called the owner immediatly and said, we need kelly not to work the evening shift on the weekends because this is something she can not be around.

She told me today that this will change and I won't work late on fridays. Wow! Just like that, she was working a new schedule out for me. Tommorow I still have to work the 3pm-11pm shift because it was such short notice and no one is available to switch the shift. But I told Cindy that I can work this one because I'll have the weekend to recover if it's like last week. But for the remainder of my schedule next week, and I when I come back has already changed. I still work Monday-Friday with weekends off and no friday evening shifts when the bar is hopping with chain smokers! I'm truly thankful to find such nice people to work for.

Besides my work, Brian is going to be busy with the end of the semester coming up before we leave. He's getting a little stressed so I believe it's best for me to stay out of the office while he's studying or figuring out his codes on the computer. Poor guy. He only has one year left though, then off to full time work! I think he can't wait to get a job, he's quite sick of school work.

Other than work, the baby is doing well. I think I finally can feel the baby kick once in awhile or move around. I notice it the most when I'm ready to go to bed and find a comfortable spot. It's quite neat. Oh I also made something for daddy to lift his spirits. He's been down in the dumps with the end of the semester. I'll post a picture of what I did for him. I also picked up a newspaper for him and told him he should read the front page. It's really important! He looked at it and he said "Oh my god!" It's an original Ohio paper from when we landed on the moon. Picutres and news articles of Neil Armstrong and other articles he's having fun with. He's being a kid in a candy store again. :-)

1 comment:

Meredith said...

It seems to be getting even more real when you talk about the baby kicking and moving around. Nice thing you did for Brian. That was pretty cool.