Friday, February 18, 2011

Heidi helping me arrange dishes.
I think the cat tired Heidi out. I thought I heard Heidi awake and walked in to find her still snoozing like this. She even had the blanket almost covering her.

Getting some fresh air at the river. We are getting spring fever very badly. I can't wait to get outside more.

Homemade playdough is so much fun!

Heidi is now getting into playing more with her Little People house and pretending. I stopped doing some cleaning to listen to Heidi. She was pretending the little people or she also uses Care Bears; as if they are knocking on the door and she says "hello, hello." She also says that when she has the characters answer the phone. She also likes to 'talk' on the phone. She will take my cell phone or house phone and walk around the house talking on it. I don't know what she is saying but I sometimes hear, daddy in her conversations. I think she misses daddy more now that Brian is working out at the site and we don't see him for lunch hour. As soon as Heidi hears the garage door open, she says "Daaaadddyy, daddy, daddy!" She gets so excited. The other day Heidi had brian pinned on the floor and jumping on his back while giggling. She was having so much fun playing with daddy.

We had a great superbowl party. We invited some friends over and one couple we know has two boys. Heidi had a great time showing the boys her room and different toys. Their oldest boy, Henry, loves airplanes, so I thought it would be neat to bring out the peddle plane. He thought that was sooo neat! He really wanted to go places with it. It was also nice to have some of the girls over to talk. It was hard to put Heidi to bed that night, she was still winding down from all the fun and having a house full of people. Not long after our party, heidi came down with Bronchitis and was coughing so hard. It was the first time she was sick when it didn't involve teething. She was so miserable and I just wanted to cry sometimes when she would caough so hard and it was getting hard to breath from all the junk that built up. My poor peanut. But she got some medicine from the doctor and he said there is a outbreak around town, so she isn't the only one getting it. I'm just glad she's better now and that I didn't get sick.

Heidi is still working on saying 'papa.' Everytime we do a webcam with grandpa gross, Heidi calls him 'apple'(it's her favorite word lately). But she will say nana a few times.

Lately her favorite game is to be chased by our new kitty, sasha. She will take some yarn and go in circles around the kitchen and living room. Sasha also loves following Heidi around and they are such pals. It's adorable.

It's hard to believe that Heidi's birthday is only two months away! My peanut will be 2! I'm not sure on the theme of her birthdy yet. I thinking Toy Story theme. I know I could make Buzz Lightyear's rocket ship for the cake. I made brian a shuttle cake, so maybe I could come up with some kind for Heidi.

Heidi has also been quite the helper. She is getting better at picking up toys and helping me in the kitchen. She loves to see what mommy is up to and wants to help. She has so much fun playing in the kitchen.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fun pictures from this week.

Daddy reading a book while Heidi finishes brushing her teeth.
Heidi was giggling while sasha visit's her in the tub.

Oh, brave sasha.

Air purifier is making Heidi's hair blow all over. She thought it was neat.

Mirror fun. "heidi, toothpaste isn't hair gel."

"Dang, my butt is so cute!"

High five!

This is how we brush our teeth.

"Hey beautiful!"

I love to give hugs. Even to myself. :)

Two trouble makers waiting on the third trouble maker (daddy).

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Heidi trapped the kitty.

Heidi is learning some new things. Especially how to throw temper tantrums. She is getting into the time of trying to get what she wants by screaming and kicking. Just the last two weeks have been on and off screaming, and kicking while on the floor and trying to cry so much that her face turns red. At first I thought she was just frustrated with boredom maybe but, once she wanted something and I told her, no, she immediatly had her meltdown. I then figured out that we just need to walk away and pay no attention to her. I'm now figuring out a time out area for her. I can't put her in her room with all her toys, or the computer room when she loves to play with daddy's computer, or our room where she loves to explore. So I have a cute bench for her to sit in the corner now. We just need to stay consistant with it now.

Other than mis behaving, Heidi has been a sweetheart. She's been learning more and more. She is such a sponge right now. Most words she says now are, daddy, mommy, kitty, berry, car, ball, keys, juice, cheese, doggie, shoe, cookie, squirrel, and the number two. She is having so much fun learning new words. Heidi also loves to help out. If I'm in the kitchen doing something she wants to help or she gets mad. She likes to see what is going on and how to do it I think. So I think we will make Valentine's cake and cookies this weekend sometime.

This week we thought of Torii and his steelers. So Heidi helped cheer on the steelers for him. Sounds like it might have helped! :)

Last week, Heidi was watching Toy Story 3, again, and the movie came to the part of when Buzz is trapped under the clear plastic tote. While I was putting laundry away, and came back into the living room, Heidi was giggling and had the laundry basket tipped over. I thought she wanted to play the game we used to play together,where she leans over and falls into my arms. But as soon as I sat down next to her, I heard a faint meow. She trapped the poor cat. Then she was pushing the tipped over basket with the cat still inside all over in the living room floor. She is so silly! I couldn't believe that she just did that! Sometimes I wonder what she takes in now from movies.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Daddy's helper.
Smiling and squinting.
Heidi loves to help.
Heidi had so much fun with her new play mats.

My little dancer, so I made her a tu-tu. I still need to cut some length off.

I can't believe another christmas has gone by and SO fast! Looking back in all my pictures, it's crazy to see how much Heidi has grown. I have to many pictures I would love to post, but it would take days to do it. So maybe I'll post only a few of my favorite's. But it's going to be hard to choose. It was so great to see family together again. I know Heidi had so much fun with her cousins and she sure loves to play and dance with Cordelia. On Heidi's play date's in Idaho she usually gets boys to be stuck to play with, so it was nice to see her cousin cordelia. On our way to ND, I got us a hotel with a nice pool and we left as early as we could get out of town to go have some pool time. It was a nice treat after being in and out of the car in the cold for 6 hours. Heidi was so excited to go swimming. I didn't know if she would want to get dressed to go, but as soon as she figured out what was happening, she grabbed her floatie and headed for the door.

Heidi also had a great time playing with Riley in Napoleon. Another girl to play with! They were playing catch and just vising awhile. Grandpa gross even gave her a ride on a food cart for some fun.

Once again our car was very full going back to Idaho. Mostly, because grandma and grandpa seeberg let mommy play in the thier garage to find things. :) Mommy had fun. I think after a week back in Idaho, I am finally getting the house organized and laundry done. We also needed grocery's very badly, so lots to do when we came home. Heidi has really opened up more to talking after vacation. I have been trying to get her to brush her teeth better now and the other night she wouldn't let me help her. So then I asked her to show me her pretty smile and she did show me her biggest and cutest smile ever! And now she keeps doing it. It so cute.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hugs N' Kisses

I remember when I was little, before bedtime we always gave mom and dad a hug and kiss goodnight. Now I'm teaching it to our little one and tonight Heidi, just about put tears in our eyes. She is getting so big. Each night for the last month or two, Heidi gets her fun bathtime, snack before bed, and then when I tell her it's bedtime, I make sure she gives daddy a hug and kiss.
Tonight, Brian was working downstairs and Heidi and I were by the staircase. I told Heidi to tell daddy to come upstairs because it's bedtime. She then kept saying "daddy" very clearly this time. When Brian heard "daddy" being called very clearly, I think his heart melted as did mine. Brian came upstairs and I said again "it's bedtime." She went over to daddy and gave him a hug and then brian asked for a kiss and he got one. She then turned around and headed down the hall to her bedroom while waving to daddy goodnight with one hand, and the other has her thumb in her mouth.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Monkey Business.

Getting tickled.

Mmmmm, pudding! Yum! Daddy was having fun putting some on her nose.
Grandma Johnson's blue glass dessert cups. I remember having pudding in these as a child for a nice dessert. :)
McDonald's playplace tunnels.

Here are some Heidi's "I caught you pics," of her climbing all over. In this one I think we might have the t.v to high up for her?
Not sure where she was going with this?
"Oh hi mommy."
"So why does the kitty like to lay up here?"
I heard giggles in Heidi's room and I couldn't find her until I saw this. She found a toy under her bed and I guess was comfortable like this. What a silly girl! I was laughing so hard because all I see is feet and her butt sticking out and all I heard was laughter and talking from under the bed.

Heidi and our friend's cat 'Millie'. Millie later jumped in Heidi's bucket and Heidi stormed over and tried to get her out.
At Rob and Sarah's house. Rob asked to take a few more suckers so she did, and kept taking more to fill her bucket up. What a candy thief.

Heidi is becoming quite the little monkey lately. I really need to keep an eye on her. I have caught her dancing on our coffee table, dining table and now she knows if she pushes a chair against something she wants to get to, she'll climb on the chair and get to what she wanted. I can't even leave the room to put a load of laundry in! She's so quick!
We have been staying busy around here. I have been getting really crafty and I think I am trying to do to many projects at once. I have so much I want to do. A lot of fun ideas but when to fit them all in is something else. I recently made Heidi a scarf and mittens out of some cute fleece material I found and it only cost $2.00! What a deal. I'm also making some other things and I will get them posted when I get a chance.

I brought Heidi to the Mcdonald's playplace and she loved it! At first she wasn't sure what she was suppose to do and the big tunnels looked a little scary. But Mommy was allowed to go in with her and then we had so much fun! Heidi loved looking out the little plastic windows and looking down at our friend Melissa to wave too. Of course she didn't want to leave but when she got home later, she was pretty tired. All that climbing on little legs!