Friday, February 18, 2011

Heidi helping me arrange dishes.
I think the cat tired Heidi out. I thought I heard Heidi awake and walked in to find her still snoozing like this. She even had the blanket almost covering her.

Getting some fresh air at the river. We are getting spring fever very badly. I can't wait to get outside more.

Homemade playdough is so much fun!

Heidi is now getting into playing more with her Little People house and pretending. I stopped doing some cleaning to listen to Heidi. She was pretending the little people or she also uses Care Bears; as if they are knocking on the door and she says "hello, hello." She also says that when she has the characters answer the phone. She also likes to 'talk' on the phone. She will take my cell phone or house phone and walk around the house talking on it. I don't know what she is saying but I sometimes hear, daddy in her conversations. I think she misses daddy more now that Brian is working out at the site and we don't see him for lunch hour. As soon as Heidi hears the garage door open, she says "Daaaadddyy, daddy, daddy!" She gets so excited. The other day Heidi had brian pinned on the floor and jumping on his back while giggling. She was having so much fun playing with daddy.

We had a great superbowl party. We invited some friends over and one couple we know has two boys. Heidi had a great time showing the boys her room and different toys. Their oldest boy, Henry, loves airplanes, so I thought it would be neat to bring out the peddle plane. He thought that was sooo neat! He really wanted to go places with it. It was also nice to have some of the girls over to talk. It was hard to put Heidi to bed that night, she was still winding down from all the fun and having a house full of people. Not long after our party, heidi came down with Bronchitis and was coughing so hard. It was the first time she was sick when it didn't involve teething. She was so miserable and I just wanted to cry sometimes when she would caough so hard and it was getting hard to breath from all the junk that built up. My poor peanut. But she got some medicine from the doctor and he said there is a outbreak around town, so she isn't the only one getting it. I'm just glad she's better now and that I didn't get sick.

Heidi is still working on saying 'papa.' Everytime we do a webcam with grandpa gross, Heidi calls him 'apple'(it's her favorite word lately). But she will say nana a few times.

Lately her favorite game is to be chased by our new kitty, sasha. She will take some yarn and go in circles around the kitchen and living room. Sasha also loves following Heidi around and they are such pals. It's adorable.

It's hard to believe that Heidi's birthday is only two months away! My peanut will be 2! I'm not sure on the theme of her birthdy yet. I thinking Toy Story theme. I know I could make Buzz Lightyear's rocket ship for the cake. I made brian a shuttle cake, so maybe I could come up with some kind for Heidi.

Heidi has also been quite the helper. She is getting better at picking up toys and helping me in the kitchen. She loves to see what mommy is up to and wants to help. She has so much fun playing in the kitchen.