Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July week.

Heidi joined daddy for a nap while on his lunch break.

Learning her balance on a hill at the park. She was determined to conquer it!
Relaxing by the cool breeze of the falls.Heidi loves to play with our shoes. I can never find a pair now. They get scattered.
Loving the bubbles.
Daddy's badge....check. Kitty....check. Sippy cup.....check. Ready for work.
Soooo BIG!
Helping daddy in the yard.

Helping mommy in the garden.
Heidi loves to put on my necklace's and show them off. I'm not sure where all my jewelry is now.
"Sorry Mommy, this is the remains of your pepper plant that I sat on."
Victoria and Heidi playing outside.
Playing with the woodchips under the apple tree.
Helping sort rocks.
Good day of hard work ends in lots of smiles. :)
Peek a Boo!
Oooohhh, so sweet.

Having a picnic along the greenbelt during I.F festival.

Walking with daddy.
Looking at the minnows swimming below.
Heidi likes to stretch her feet and put them up on her stroller.
Nap time.

Day in Jackson Hole.

We had a wonderful weekend full of festivities. We stayed in town for the Idaho Falls fireworks on Saturday. Everything took place a day earlier since the holiday this year fell on a Sunday. We started our day along the Greenbelt for some music entertainment and car show. Of course there were plenty of food and craft vendors also. Heidi had so much fun seeing so many dogs being walked and seeing the kids play. We let her loose along the park and she was having a blast! Heidi got a late afternoon nap in while out walking and then Brian and I found a nice spot under a oak tree to let Heidi sleep and we could rest as well. Once we all got a nice rest, we went back to the house and had some friends come over for drinks and snacks until the big fireworks show. Heidi got to be home and run the new yard and have fun with her playset.

We got a great spot just near where the fireworks were shooting off and Heidi loved every moment. She didn't mind the large bangs either. Brian covered her ears once in awhile when we thought it was to loud but, Heidi pulled his hands off of her head because she wanted to hear and see everything. Once the fireworks ended, she was ready for a nap and we had to wait at least a hour for traffic to clear so we could get home. So, Heidi and I relaxed in the lobby of the hotel I worked at and she fell asleep on the couch.
On sunday we decided to take a afternoon trip to Jackson Hole since Heidi hasn't been there yet and the city was doing their fireworks show on the 4th. Heidi had some more fun and we just relaxed in town and let Heidi run in the park and she got to pet the horse's that pull the covered wagon around town. We didn't ride it because she was stuck in a car and just wanted to run. No sitting down for this little one! The fireworks show was very nice and the city had the fireworks shoot off by the mountain where the ski lifts are. I loved to hear the really loud shells burst and then the echo of them from the mountains. It was pretty cool.

So now monday has come and we are doing nothing. Today is a relaxing day and we will probably relax at home and play in the yard a bit. Busy weekend but alot of fun!