Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Always staying busy.

Heidi got her feet stuck in the mud.
"Grrrr, I'm a dinasaur and I'm going to stomp on you!"
I didn't know Heidi grabbed a Mello Yello out of the fridge when I had it open. Then I turned around and she was pretending to drink it and giggling. I told her to give it to daddy and she started to hand it over then ran off with it again. Look out daddy!

Heidi loves her new bench we picked up at the farmer's market.

Heidi loves the upside down game.

Heidi loves Maggie but it takes awhile for Heidi to warm up to her.

The only one allowed to sit on the Mustang.
Walking on grandpa seeberg's path.

Taking a day out on the town in Idaho Falls. We found a cute little bridge to cross.

Heidi loved the huge rock fountain. We even got a little wet.

Uncle Eric showing Heidi some dance moves.

I finally have a moment to sit down and post an update. We have been so busy this month. Our trip to Michigan was fantastic and I can't wait to go back. It's so beautiful there and Heidi had so much fun at the beach. I am so proud of Heidi and how well she pulled through the full two weeks of her vacation with family. Heidi had a lot of 'first's' during our vacation. She had her first plane ride, first boat ride with grandpa & grandma gross, first pool experience, first wedding, and first beach experience. So much to update in her baby book from one vacation.

After our vacation was ending in Michigan, Brian and I flew back home to Idaho while Heidi stayed with grandpa & grandma Gross for a little longer and Heidi went back to Bismarck with them. Then the following weekend Brian and I drove to Bismarck to pick up Heidi and attend a family reunion and Mandan's annual Buggies N' Blues. Heidi had a blast with her cousins and she loves to watch videos of them on the computer. She just giggles each time she see's them. Heidi had a great time dancing at the reunion and had so much fun visiting with everyone. She also had a wonderful time driving grandpa gross' Mustang. She liked to honk the horn and play with the steering wheel.

As soon as we finally arrived home in Idaho from our two week's of vacation, we continued working on our yard. Heidi loves to be outside and sometimes it's hard to get her to come into the house to get out of the sun for a little bit and to eat. She can get so mad. This week we have been scrambling to get our yard leveled out to put some sod in. We are so tired of eating dust in our backyard and we really would like Heidi to enjoy our yard as much as she can this summer. It would be great to get the backyard done before next weekend for the 4th of July weekend. We put in a neat little bon-fire spot and I have a garden going. Heidi helps me throw the weeds away and put rocks into her wagon. She's such a little helper. But most of the time she just likes to play in any mud she can find and throw it on mommy.