Saturday, October 17, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Little miss Heidi is already going to be 6 months old! She can stay this way for a long time. She's just so cute. Right now here are some of the things she likes to do now.

1. When being rocked to sleep, she has to have a blankie to hold and put over her eyes. She likes to hold a blankie and rub her eyes or play with it while having a bottle.

2. If she see's Victoria around her, she kicks, screams and babbles to the cat. I think in her own way she's trying say "here kitty, kitty, kitty."

3. She's a little independent. If we are playing with her and it's been awhile, she likes to be by herself on the floor and babble with her toys.

4. She loves it when daddy pretends she's an airplane and she's flying strafing sorties. (brian added the last part that I don't understand.)

5. Being daddy's weight for excersing.

6. She knows when a bath is coming. The water is running while she's getting ready and she kicks and babbles. She's so excited!

7. She turns herself in circles to keep an eye on Victoria.

****And many more..........

All dressed up to go to dinner.

Monday, October 5, 2009

First snow fall for Heidi.

Heidi found mommy's UPS Koala bear and she loves it, or at least the fuzzy ears.
"Heeere kitty, kitty, kitty.
Victoria and Heidi hanging out.
We usually find the cats laying by the fireplace.
Daddy is handing off Heidi to mommy. "I'm a plane!"

Daddy and Heidi playing on the couch in the morning.
Time for some exercise.
Heidi loves her rattle, she doesn't like to let go of it.

My drool monster.
So happy. :)

Heidi's first season change into winter. Today it's been snowing all day and it's a pretty snowfall, but I think we are going from spring to winter. There is no fall for us.